
Our Computing curriculum aims to equip our children with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding of computing that they will need for the future in an increasingly digital world. We want our pupils to be able to utilise new technology in a safe and responsible way and to be autonomous, independent users of computing technologies.

Computing is taught as a discrete lesson each week, with opportunities for children to apply their computing skills elsewhere in the curriculum. We cover the National Curriculum objectives using the Purple Mash & NCCE schemes of work. We cover the three main areas:

  • Computer Science (CS): Pupils are taught how digital systems work and how to put this knowledge to use through programming.
  • Information Technology (IT): Building on the knowledge and understanding of computer science, information technology gives pupils a chance to use programs and create content that applies to other areas.
  • Digital Literacy (DL): Enabling pupils to use and express themselves through information and communication technology. Pupils will gain skills to transfer to the future workplace, enabling them to become active participants in a digital society.

Take a look at the table below for a brief overview of curriculum content.

Computing Curriculum Overview


We teach computing as a discrete lesson each week. We also give the children the opportunity to apply taught skills across the curriculum. 


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