'Encourage one another and build each other up.' 1 Thessalonians 5.11
Welcome to Year 1/2!
Class Teachers: Miss Hamilton and Mrs Walker
TAs: Miss Mc Dermaid and Mrs Callacher
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Autumn 1.pdf |
Knowledge Organisers
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Science Autumnn 1 The Human Body.pdf | |||
Geography Autumn 1 Collyhurst.pdf |
Our homework policy is 'little and often'. Daily homework includes reading and five minutes of practising spellings and times tables. This work should be recorded in your homework book and signed daily by an adult.
Additional homework:
TTRS (times tables) or Numbots (number facts)
Active Learn - Bug Club (Reading)
Purple Mash (all curriculum areas)
Seesaw (home learning)
Daily reading is the best way we can help our children succeed, so it is the most important part of the daily homework. Aim for 20 minutes each day. Your child will be given a phonetically decodable book that they need to reread to gain fluency. They will also choose a book from the school library which you should read together.