Flourishing from Firm Foundations


Religious Education at Saviour plays a major part in promoting the Christian aims, values and ethos of the school. Each school day begins with collective worship, where we explore our three main values: love, hope and thankfulness. We also mark key events in the Christian calendar and other faiths.

Approximately 10% of the curriculum is dedicated to RE, equivalent to 1 hour per week. Of this time, 50% is allocated to Christianity, and 50% allocated to other faiths, specifically Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Consideration is also made from time to time of other faiths, and non-religious world views too.

We follow the Religious Education Syllabus devised by the Diocese of Manchester, which outlines the curriculum objectives, resources, and recommended teaching activities. Pupils will revisit key concepts as they progress, building on prior learning and deepening understanding. Children are given the opportunity to explore how beliefs have shaped the way in which humans understand themselves, each other and the world around them. Floorbooks are used as a tool to record children’s thoughts and ideas, ensuring that everyone has a voice, and all pupils make their mark.

Children’s learning will be supported with drama, dance, singing, discussion, art, as well the chance to handle artefacts and go on visits. Where possible, Saviour church, clergy and congregation are used to aid teaching and learning. Children will also benefit from the professional theatre group, BTales, who share biblical stories and messages in a way that is engaging and contemporary.

For more information, please explore our plans for RE below.


Our values exist to guide and motivate us towards fulfilling our vision. The children and community explored the Christian Values that we live each day and that resonate with us the most.


Love   Hope   Thankfulness  

Flourishing from Firm Foundations


Religious Education at Saviour plays a major part in promoting the Christian aims, values and ethos of the school. Each school day begins with collective worship, where we explore our three main values: love, hope and thankfulness. We also mark key events in the Christian calendar and other faiths.

Approximately 10% of the curriculum is dedicated to RE, equivalent to 1 hour per week. Of this time, 50% is allocated to Christianity, and 50% allocated to other faiths, specifically Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. Consideration is also made from time to time of other faiths, and non-religious world views too.

We follow the Religious Education Syllabus devised by the Diocese of Manchester, which outlines the curriculum objectives, resources, and recommended teaching activities. Pupils will revisit key concepts as they progress, building on prior learning and deepening understanding. Children are given the opportunity to explore how beliefs have shaped the way in which humans understand themselves, each other and the world around them. Floorbooks are used as a tool to record children’s thoughts and ideas, ensuring that everyone has a voice, and all pupils make their mark.

Children’s learning will be supported with drama, dance, singing, discussion, art, as well the chance to handle artefacts and go on visits. Where possible, Saviour church, clergy and congregation are used to aid teaching and learning. Children will also benefit from the professional theatre group, BTales, who share biblical stories and messages in a way that is engaging and contemporary.

For more information, please explore our plans for RE below.


Our values exist to guide and motivate us towards fulfilling our vision. The children and community explored the Christian Values that we live each day and that resonate with us the most.


Love   Hope   Thankfulness