Contact Us
Saviour Church of England Primary School
Eggington Street
M40 7RH
(0161 205 1221)
Headteacher: Mrs Anderson
SENDCo: Mrs Reed (Seconded on Tuesdays)
DSL: Mrs Shallaker
All enquires, or to request a free paper copy of the information on our website, please contact Miss Winstanley in the school office.
Contact: 0161 205 1221
Please contact the office if:
- Your child will be absent from school. (See school’s Attendance Policy for more details)
- Your child requires medication to be administered during the school day - all medicines are kept in the school office and Parents/Carers must complete a medication form
- You will be late collecting your child from school or will be late arriving to school
- Your child has an appointment during the school day
- You have any difficulties ordering your child’s meals on the school system
- The school office can provide further information on request from a Parent/Carer
Please be mindful that requests may take time to process during the school day.