'Hope, even when you see no reason to do so; wait patiently for the Lord. He will come' - Romans 8:24–25

Welcome to Nursery and Reception!

Class Teacher: Miss Whelehan

Teaching Assistant Support: Miss Aykroyd, Mrs Callacher and Mrs Smith


At Saviour, the homework policy is 'little and often' to support learning every day. It is important that books are read every evening and records are signed daily by an adult.



Reading is an important part of our learning and enables access to all areas of the curriculum. Please read with your child each day to support their development.


Physical Activity

In Early Years, the children have continuous access to our outdoor environment every day and have forest school sesisons on Wednesday's and Friday's, whatever the weather! Please ensure your child brings a warm, waterproof coat and has a pair of wellies to leave at school. Children in Nursery and Reception have PE on Thursday's. Please bring your child's PE kit to school with them that day (white T-Shirt, blue or black bottoms and trainers).

We are currently reading:

Tour of the School

Reception enjoyed a tour of their new school and a visit to Mrs Anderson's office. They had lots of questions about their new school.



The children have been enjoying exploring their new classroom environment.